3. What should I do?

My third work has been done on September 21st. This is not a "pure" theatre production, but has a certain objective related to English. (To know more about this, please refer to How to Improve English on the right side.)

The stage form is thrust style where the audience can watch the performance from three sides. I use this type of stage form to create a maximum of direct contact between the actors and the audience. 

The subject is about the choice that we encounter frequently in our life. It is true that we have to make choice at many different moments in our life, and this choice affects our life, sometimes very, very, very and extremely very seriously. How important a simple choice in our life is! When we have to choose, what kind of criteria do we have? Especially, between what we want to do and what we do well, which may be the best way to choose to live a successful life?

If you want to read the script, click here.